Tanzania emblem
Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania
Wizara ya Uchukuzi

Mamlaka ya Udhibiti Usafiri Ardhini

Piga Bure : 0800110019/0800110020

Sera ya Faragha

Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA) treat the privacy of our clients and visitors to our website, LATRA App and users of our other products and services with the highest importance. This policy details some of the measures we take to preserving and safeguarding your privacy when you visit or interact with our website and mobile application.

LATRA App – Mobile Application

This mobile application publishes public information like approved fares, licensing status of commercial vehicles and offenses payment status for commercial vehicles.

This information is publicly visible in the application to facilitate regulation of commercial land transport services for enforcement purpose and information to the general public.

This mobile application does not collect any data at the moment but rather provides information to the public about the work done by the Authority to ensure efficiency to land transport regulation and to improve the quality of land transport services.

The Authority shall continue to update this Privacy Policy as the need to update arises.


Mrejesho, Malalamiko au Wazo